
Our hearts broke the morning we heard of the Roxy fire.

It became very important to help in any way we could. When we found out that Human Loser, the company that had their opening night scheduled the day the fire broke out, was going to be holding a one night only read of Cheerleader! at the Timms Centre for the Arts, we knew if was where we could jump in.

It was a stripped down version of the show but the crowd was enthralled. Here are a few images from the night.

If you would like to contribute to the re-birth of the Roxy Theatre, please follow the link below:

Theatre Network Society: 


- dave & brad

Send in the Girls Burlesque - March Madness

Send in the Girls Burlesque is BACK!

This time they are hitting the New City Legion with an awesome review called 'March Madness'. I always love working with these girls. Always the consummate professionals. They know what they want from the photos but aren't afraid to try something new.

I love how these photos turned out. Brad and I were talking about some of the most rewarding elements of photography for us, and right up on the list is the ability to take seemingly bland locations and make them into something awesome. 

50 points if you can figure out where these ladies are standing!

Check out our Design section for the poster of the event!

Send in the Girls Burlesque presents:

March Madness

March 2nd & 3rd

8130 Gateway Blvd
Show starts at 9:30
$15 dollars 
Hosted by Lindsay Walker
Featuring LeTabby Lexington, Alibastre Albright, Coco Lala and Travesty Tryst.
and a special surprise guest!

Hope to see you there!

- dave