This has been quite a Fringe for our photo organization. We did either photos or posters (or both) for 6 separate shows. Man, they could not be more different from each other. From zombie tutorials to a raunchy, black comedy. From burlesque to a country western in a bar.
This is seriously one of my favourite things to do.
I think in a past, fictional life, I would have been walking around the offices of Sterling Cooper Draper Price. Although it would have been a lot more difficult without Photoshop.
Check out the work we did for:
Adore Canada: A Burlesque Tour of Canada - BYOV - The Artery
Death is Bullshit: The Pursuit of Pavement - Venue 6 - C103
Little Fish - BYOV 35 - The Varscona Theatre
Princess Confidential - Venue 11 - PCL Studio in the ATB Financial Arts Barns
The Rambler - BYOV 17: Red Square Vodka House
Undead or Alive - BYOV 19 - The TACOS Space
Check out the fun stuff we got to do... and MAKE SURE you get a chance to go see one or ALL of the shows listed above. Here is other examples of our design work,
Happy Fringe!